
Because Sometimes We're Just Too Funny.

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Friday, June 11, 2004

Submitted by Tweedle-Dee and CJ.

CJ: so uhhh...
CJ: what's........
CJ: uhhhh
Ken: i'm bored
CJ: up
Ken: very bored
CJ: no shit
CJ: you know what I am
CJ: a cheese sandwich
Ken: sexy?
CJ: but that's not the point
Ken: yup
CJ: i'm bored
Ken: sexy
CJ: definately
CJ: any of that bagel left?
Ken: die

CJ: ray charles is dead
Ken: a sad thing too
CJ: yeah, i remember him mostly from the pepsi commercials
Ken: hah
CJ: i don't know if that's a good thing
Ken: i'd wager not
Ken: its a......
Ken: very american thing
CJ: hah
CJ: we now have a limited supply of blind black pianists
Ken: you mean stevie wonder?
CJ: pretty much
CJ: by limited, I guess it's just one
CJ: one to own them all
Ken: what is this.....highlander??
CJ: yes
Ken: so fucking
Ken: hot


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