6 Degrees of WTF
Nathan: Man
Nathan: Cowboy bebop is awesome!
Thomas: .....
Thomas: ill be down sometime this week when my aunt leaves
Nathan: My favorite part is the end
Thomas: shush
Nathan: When Spike turns into a snake
Nathan: And indiana jones is all like
Nathan: Why'd it have to be snakes?
Nathan: And then King Cobra orders the assault on the GI Joe
Thomas: lmfao
Nathan: But The Rock saves them
Nathan: Except the White Ninja guy gets out on his own
Nathan: And the garrotes the guards of the twinkie factory
Nathan: And saves Mel Brooks' char Nathan: mel brooks who was in payback with that italian guy
Thomas: nice
Nathan: Who was in that movie with Kevin Bacon!
Nathan: See!
Nathan: Man that game is awesome
Nathan: Now, your turn
Thomas: dudee
Thomas: wtf
Thomas: lmfao
Nathan: Your
Nathan: Turn
Thomas: ummmm
Thomas: where do I start?
Nathan: With Kevin Bacon remember
Thomas: dork
Thomas: gimme a starting point
Thomas: and go to... who?
Nathan: Kevin Bacon
Nathan: Don't you know that game?
Thomas: ....
Thomas: 6 degrees of kevin bacon?
Nathan: Yeah man
Nathan: That's what I did
Nathan: Now you do it
ok... 6 degrees of keving bacon....
you start with some random person (usually an actor or actress) and find a way to get to kevin bacon within 6 degrees.... what was so hard to comprehend? JUST GIVE ME A BLOODY ACTOR TO START WITH!!!!
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