
Because Sometimes We're Just Too Funny.

Start at the bottom.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Bobby: Hmm, I'll make him feel "FEAR!"

Nathan: Roll damage, let's see how much you do to this guy.
Bobby: *counts* Ten.
Pip: YES!
Funk-a-potimus: WOAH!
Hi-C: Geez.
Nathan: Aw crap. You killed my NPC in one blow.

Pip: Where were you born?
KGB: Under a pool table.

Bobby: DO PUNCH!

KGB: I wanna go back and get my Aerofighter.
Nathan: That's 10 kliks away!
KGB: I'll get into Bobby's Mech and we can both go.
Pip: But we need the mech!
KGB: We'll get back in time.

They didn't.

Pip: The door flies open.
Bobby: I'll fire!
Pip: Roll.
Bobby: *rolls* HIT!
Pip: Okay. *turns* Okay you open the door quickly and there's a barrel in your face. You're unable to react. Bobby, roll for damage.
Nathan: Thanks for shooting me in the FACE, Bobby.
Bobby: Sorry!

Nathan: What's in the tupperware?
Egghead: Leftovers from last night.
Nathan: What's in it?
Egghead: A mexican pizza.
Nathan: What?

Nathan: *'punches' Egghead*
Egghead: *presses one of the buttons on his sweater and makes a downward motion with his hands and a swooshing sound*
Nathan: What the HELL was that?
Egghead: I'm invisible.
Nathan: How was that turning invisible!?

KGB: *'shoots' Funk-a-potimus*
Funk-a-potimus: *shoots Pip and Nathan before he 'dies'*
Pip: *dies*
Nathan: *gets ready to 'shoot' Egghead*
Egghead: *'shoots' himself*
KGB: What the hell?

Egghead: Wouldn't it be cool to have a 10 gear car? You could go hella fast man!
Nathan: And your arm would get hella tired. Where would you go to use all those damn gears?
Egghead: I don't know man, but that'd be way cool!

Sunday, September 01, 2002

Nathan: Okay, Pip, you're so old when you sneeze, dust goes flying.
Pip: How about Navi (Bobby's Mage char's Avater)?
Nathan: 'Every time a vampire sneezes, a Mage is born.'