
Because Sometimes We're Just Too Funny.

Start at the bottom.

Friday, January 15, 2010


[17:07] uchikomaplatinum: YOU MOTHERFUCKER
[17:07] uchikomaplatinum: I THINK YOU GAVE ME CAPSLOCK
[17:07] falcnguard: I'M SORRY
[17:07] uchikomaplatinum: YEAH YOU BETTER BE
[17:07] uchikomaplatinum: WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW
[17:07] falcnguard: I'M NOT SURE
[17:08] uchikomaplatinum: WHAT ABOUT DAVE
[17:08] falcnguard: HE HASN'T GOTTEN IT YET
[17:08] falcnguard: THE FUCKER
[17:20] uchikomaplatinum: IF WE CANT CURE CAPSLOCK WILL WE DIE
[17:20] falcnguard: I'M IN HORRIFIC PAIN

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Sexy Ken: i can't play scrabble if no one else is palying with us
Nathan Tamayo: lol what?
The Sexy Ken: well
The Sexy Ken: saw you started a game
The Sexy Ken: went in
The Sexy Ken: winnie and dave aren't playing
The Sexy Ken: and its not my turn
The Sexy Ken: /wrists
Nathan Tamayo: lol
Nathan Tamayo: what can i do sir
Nathan Tamayo: what can i do
The Sexy Ken: murder them
Nathan Tamayo: er
Nathan Tamayo: i don't know...
The Sexy Ken: DO IT
The Sexy Ken: OBEY
Nathan Tamayo: last time --- okay jesus
Nathan Tamayo: just stop yelling
Nathan Tamayo: geez
The Sexy Ken: I CAN'T
Nathan Tamayo: (I LOL'd so hard)
Nathan Tamayo: er uh er
Nathan Tamayo: gotta go murder dave and winnie now
Nathan Tamayo: bye
The Sexy Ken: WAIT HELP
The Sexy Ken: HELP ME
The Sexy Ken: PLEASE
The Sexy Ken: OH DEAR
The Sexy Ken: HE LEFT

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Marketing is easy!

Sandria Tran: need help with new product name
Peter: The OCZ EXTREME Super High Performance 1.21 Jigawatt Flux Capacitor
Sandria Tran: haha
Sandria Tran: no
Peter: what's it for? :P
Sandria Tran: what do you think of celerity
Sandria Tran: usb 3.0
Sandria Tran: I believe
Peter: actually i kind of like that
Peter: i'm a fan of infrequently used words
Sandria Tran: k I vote for my word
Sandria Tran: Jess says it's too girly
Sandria Tran: boooooooo
Peter: um speed has no gender
Sandria Tran: "not edgy enough"
Sandria Tran: help!
Sandria Tran: they want to use phoenix but we're not allowed to spell it phoenix...maybe fenix or something lol
Peter: quicksilver?
Peter: hell if i know
Sandria Tran: that's already a major brand
Peter: *shrug*
Peter: i still like basing it off a speed word
Peter: but oh wells
Sandria Tran: but there aren't a lot of words that could be a product name
Sandria Tran: swift...
Sandria Tran: lol
Peter: velocity
Peter: which is probably taken
Sandria Tran: lol
Sandria Tran: a million times over
Sandria Tran: we even sell to velocity micro
Peter: ah well, i got nothin'
Peter: my vote is for celerity
Peter: tachyon
Peter: since they're a fan of subatomic particles already
Sandria Tran: ...
Peter: what?
Peter: they went with neutrino and neutrino ion
Peter: a tachyon moves faster than the speed of light, and it's based off the greek root for speed
Peter: also, tachyons are hypothetical and may not really exist....just like most of our products
Peter: i call it a win
Sandria Tran: lol