
Because Sometimes We're Just Too Funny.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm Ron Burgundy?

[17:37] falcnguard: hey baby?
[17:37] uchikomaplatinum: why is that a question
[17:37] falcnguard: what are you wearing!
[17:37] uchikomaplatinum: did you forget whether we're together or broken up at the moment, again?
[17:38] uchikomaplatinum: oh god he's forgotten how to punctuate
[17:38] uchikomaplatinum: soon he'll be just using semi-colons and hyphens willy-nilly
[17:39] falcnguard: ¿i'm not sure how to punctuate anymore?
[17:40] falcnguard: i'ts all getting s;o conf&sing!
[17:40] uchikomaplatinum: sigh

Just you wait...

Danny: Sorry David, you have to do it.
Nathan: Yeah because you're youngest.
David: Dammit... You just wait until I'm older...