
Because Sometimes We're Just Too Funny.

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Saturday, January 05, 2008


Urumi: okay, need a gay opinion
Urumi: i have the oddest compulsion to go watch Enchanted today
Urumi: where is that on the gay scale?
Lenik: alone?
Urumi: with 2 girls
Urumi: but it was my idea
Lenik: pretty damn gay
Urumi: ...
Urumi: is it more gay, or less gay than having a long discussion about thinking a tranny is cute?
Lenik: more
Urumi: ...
Urumi: i'm no longer going to you for gay advice
Lenik: hey
Lenik: I only speak the truth
Lenik: if it makes you feel any better
Lenik: the going with 2 girls makes it look less gay
Urumi: look?
Lenik: to an outsider
Urumi: diaf
Lenik: it just looks like someone probably dragged you
Lenik: knowing instead that it was your idea and that you are actually dragging 2 girls to see it....gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy
Urumi: how is that more gay than taking a dick?
Lenik: it isn't
Lenik: but it's pretty damn close to that level
Urumi: so you're saying there's absolutely nothing more gay than taking a dick while watching Enchanted?
Lenik: short of being on the phone with your mother while both of those activities are going on. no
Urumi: not even listening to elton john?
Lenik: nope
Lenik: taking dick on top of your adopt a mongolian baby papers while watching enchanted and on the phone with your mother...unbeatable
Urumi: ...
Urumi: i don't know what to say to that
Lenik: that I'm right
Urumi: okay, you have to admit *you'd* watch it tho, right?
Lenik: enchanted?
Lenik: my bf and I saw it in the theater together
Urumi: yeah
Urumi: oh wait, this is where you recognized the little mermaid's voice actress, isn't it?
Urumi: that is totally more gay
Lenik: than taking 2 girls who might as well then be fag hags?
Lenik: no
Lenik: the fact that I am gay diminishes the gayness of stereotypical events in my case
Lenik: where as your supposed straightness increases the gayness

Friday, January 04, 2008


UchikomaPlatinum: This weather blows
oczpeter: You're tellin me
oczpeter: I have no heat
oczpeter: Freezin my ass off here >_<
UchikomaPlatinum: >.<
UchikomaPlatinum: Does being attracted to a trany make you gay?
oczpeter: Yes
UchikomaPlatinum: Hm
UchikomaPlatinum: Does being attracted to a tranny make you gay?
oczpeter: ...
UchikomaPlatinum: SAY NO
UchikomaPlatinum: SAAAAAAY NO
UchikomaPlatinum: ;_;
oczpeter: ...
oczpeter: What did you do?
UchikomaPlatinum: Nothing
UchikomaPlatinum: but I think linetrap is cute
oczpeter: ...
oczpeter: You are a gay
UchikomaPlatinum: But I'm attracted to her femanine qualities, not her
oczpeter: You're attracted to her feminine penis
oczpeter: PENIS
oczpeter: Ps: feel free to thank me for being such and awesome and
understanding friend
oczpeter: Its okay

Section_9_Browncoat: Basically a woman with a penis
caremaster448: but
caremaster448: not a woman.
caremaster448: was born male sir.
Section_9_Browncoat: I'm not attracted to the penis, but the rest of the package is decent
caremaster448: penis = male
Section_9_Browncoat: Yeah I know
caremaster448: yeah but the package
caremaster448: it comes with the penis
Section_9_Browncoat: Yeah
caremaster448: s/he is going to want to use the penis in your ass.
Section_9_Browncoat: LoL
caremaster448: lol

oczpeter: And in your mouth
oczpeter: Dick in any orifice = teh gay
oczpeter: That you're aware off
oczpeter: But if you don't realize it's a trap till it's too late, well,
that's why they call it a trap
oczpeter: But going in knowingly, yeah
oczpeter: Can't defend that
UchikomaPlatinum: Then I'm waiting for her to get the op.
oczpeter: Heh
UchikomaPlatinum: (Me)
oczpeter: Link me a pic?
oczpeter: You will
oczpeter: In your rectum
UchikomaPlatinum: LoL
UchikomaPlatinum: I have to search
oczpeter: Now, I'm just saying you're gay
UchikomaPlatinum: Ass
oczpeter: Not that there's something wrong with gay
UchikomaPlatinum: You know we didn't ask who was the big spoon on new
oczpeter: You should accept the cock in your ass if that's what makes
you happy
UchikomaPlatinum: Google linetrap
UchikomaPlatinum: First result is her myspac
oczpeter: I'm on my phone
oczpeter: No power, remember?
UchikomaPlatinum: O
oczpeter: Kind of sad, actually
UchikomaPlatinum: I keep looking
oczpeter: I'm driving around randomly
oczpeter: Because my car has a phone charger and heater
UchikomaPlatinum: LOL
UchikomaPlatinum: Dave and Buster's tonight at 9
UchikomaPlatinum: You in?
oczpeter: Which? Great mall?
UchikomaPlatinum: I ask
oczpeter: If I can take a hot shower before then, yes
oczpeter: If not, maybe
oczpeter: I feel like shit and not too keen on the cold shower just yet
UchikomaPlatinum: My house has power
oczpeter: Also, don't want todrink too much
oczpeter: I see your ploy to get me wet and naked there, sir
UchikomaPlatinum: That's fine don't gotta drink at all
UchikomaPlatinum: LOL
UchikomaPlatinum: Lmao

Monday, December 31, 2007

Girl or House Party

Nathan: I wanted to go to a club with a girl.
Peter: Does she have a jacket.
Nathan: Yes.
Peter: It's probably better you're going to this party.