[11:23] uchikomaplatinum: say something funny
[11:23] uchikomaplatinum: i need to update widowmakers
[11:23] venom80089: [11:20] Venom: best....
[11:20] Venom: router ID ...
[11:20] Venom: EVER...
[11:20] Venom: "we can hear you having sex"
[11:24] uchikomaplatinum: hmm no not quite what i was looking for
[11:25] uchikomaplatinum: what else you got?
[11:25] venom80089: uuum
[11:25] venom80089: your mother was a sheep and your father smells of elderberries?
[11:25] uchikomaplatinum: okay, sure. i'll take two. with a "that's what she said" and a large "no u"
[11:25] uchikomaplatinum: small coke
[11:26] venom80089: would you like mudkips with that?
[11:26] uchikomaplatinum: you know what, i think for today, i'll pass. thank you though
[11:26] venom80089: alright you're total is IMA FIRIN MY LAZER
[11:27] uchikomaplatinum: Can you break a Powerthirst?
[11:27] venom80089: drive up to the second window
[11:27] uchikomaplatinum: aaaaand cut
[11:27] uchikomaplatinum: that's a wrap people
[11:27] venom80089: what just happened?
[11:27] venom80089: where am i
[11:27] venom80089: who are you
[11:27] uchikomaplatinum: i dont know but i'm holding oreos ::gives him half::
[11:27] venom80089: half an oreo!?
[11:27] venom80089: what are you communist?
[11:28] uchikomaplatinum: well I only gave you the "or" part
[11:28] uchikomaplatinum: make of tha what you will