
Because Sometimes We're Just Too Funny.

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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Conversation with mangamonkey514

mangamonkey514: im hungry....
Fuchik0ma Red: I'm eating.
mangamonkey514: what are you eating?
Fuchik0ma Red: Mixed tempura, tuna sashimi, california rolls, rice.
mangamonkey514: yum
mangamonkey514: i want tampura and rice T_T
Fuchik0ma Red: Tempura
Fuchik0ma Red: Not tampura
Fuchik0ma Red: You make it sound like a femenine hygene product
mangamonkey514: whatever >.>
mangamonkey514: lol

Not bored enough....

Fuchik0ma Red:
mangamonkey514: is it possible to die of boredom
Fuchik0ma Red: Yes.
Fuchik0ma Red: Yes it is.
mangamonkey514: well then i think im dieing
blakdak707: Lol
Fuchik0ma Red: Your sister rocks

blakdak707: Go make dinner
mangamonkey514: go die