
Because Sometimes We're Just Too Funny.

Start at the bottom.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

away message owned

[14:10] mangamonkey514: lul teehee im on your computer stealin your screen name
[14:10] venom80089: dude >.>
[14:10] *** Auto-response sent to venom80089: I'm sleeping right now. You know, that thing you do when you're tired? Yup, I'm gettin some zzz in so I can get up at 6 O' clock and have plenty of time to eat breakfast, get ready, and relax for a few minutes before leaving.(Yeah, right...>.>) Okay so my mornings are more like...
-Step 1 Turn off alarm at 6 and go back to sleep
-Step 2 Repeat Step 1 about 4 times and then finally roll out of bed.
-Step 3 Hurry the hell up and get ready or you're going to be late for Spanish (OH NO, NOT SPANISH! o-O)
((And YES I got bored and decided to make a really freakin' long away message, just to see if you guys would read this far, and if you did, then CONGRAGULATIONS, YOU LOST THE GAME!)) <3
[14:10] venom80089: what are you doing?
[14:10] venom80089: FRICK!
[14:10] venom80089: DX<
[14:11] venom80089: I lost
[14:11] venom80089: T-T
[14:11] mangamonkey514: stupid, hella owned by your own awway message