English 101
Nathans Sidekick: Whatchu up to, Willis?
FalcnGuard: looking up classes for state, as i need to register on
Nathans Sidekick: OiC
Nathans Sidekick: Cool
FalcnGuard: there is an awesome looking class called "strategy and war"
but its not offered this spring
Nathans Sidekick: Whatchu taking
Nathans Sidekick: Ah
FalcnGuard: i know that i want to take "politics ant literature" and i
need to talk "methods of inquiry"
FalcnGuard: and i'm looking at talking "US/Japan Politics"
Nathans Sidekick: Talking
Nathans Sidekick: Lots of talking
Nathans Sidekick: Eh?
FalcnGuard: taking
FalcnGuard: i will kill you
Nathans Sidekick: LoL