
Because Sometimes We're Just Too Funny.

Start at the bottom.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Peter: do i know said boyfriend?
Sarah: Yes
Peter: omgisitijody?!?!?!?
Sarah: ...
Sarah: Fuck you in the ear with an icepick.
Peter: :D
Sarah: Like I said, I don't know.
Peter: mary's libra tendencies are rubbing off on me, we need to balance out the bullshit with good news!
Sarah: hahaha
Peter: yay boyfriend!!!
Sarah: *laughs*
Sarah: Shh!
Peter: so question
Sarah: It might not be that.
Sarah: But that's my guess.
Peter: is this anthony white, or yellow?
Peter: :D
Sarah: ...
Sarah: Anthony Yellow never called me.;)
Peter: /dodge icepick
Sarah: /backstab
Sarah: So that's kind of good news.
Peter: /pws
Sarah: We're going to Napa together this weekend.
Sarah: /cos

Peter: /fear

Peter: /facemelt
Sarah: *lol*
Sarah: /dead
/whisper Rez?

Peter: blew cos early, nub!
Sarah: ;)
Peter: <3
Sarah: Yeah, I suck.

SWAT team deer

Nathan: ...
Nathan: this is how i know archery is full of shit
Peter: you don't have long blond hair and elongated ears?
Nathan: because
Nathan: they have run out of "high tech materials"
Nathan: aluminum? done
Nathan: carbon fiber? done
Nathan: put them together, aluminum core, carbon shell?
Nathan: done
Nathan: switch it, carbon shell, metal jacket?
Nathan: done
Nathan: what's left?
Nathan: Kevlar
Nathan: fucking kevlar
Nathan: actual proprietary, trademarked kevlar
Peter: ...
Peter: where does the kevlar go?
Nathan: the shaft is made of it
Peter: uh
Peter: why?
Nathan: lol
Peter: it's not like the deer is going to SHOOT BULLETS AT YOUR ARROW TO DEFLECT IT
Peter: fucking swat team deer

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Nathan: you're not helping my emotional problems asshole
Peter: ...
Peter: /lube
Peter: nah
Peter: not helping your emotional problems would be like, telling you......nm
Peter: but it involved cock
Peter: lots of it
Peter: also, tapioca
Peter: it was rather disturbing
Nathan: o.o
Peter: and i think the pink ranger
Peter: i'm not sure
Nathan: gonna do some work
Nathan: afk a bit
Peter: it was but a fleeting image

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Jennie: *happy, happy, happy!*
Jennie: .......and suddenly, i'm reminded of bacon girl.