
Because Sometimes We're Just Too Funny.

Start at the bottom.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

D&D. Harmless game or sexual franchise?

[01:08:39] Nathan: want to see my magic wand
[01:09:49] CJ: but I'm not profiecent with that weapon, you're going to have to teach me

Not even Brainiac is immune.

Thomas: I go to message you... and I pick up my dog...

Monday, July 26, 2004

Fun with English

Bobby: Dude, you look like a chick. If you used to be a man, you can tell me.
Nathan: Dude, you look like a chick. If you used to be a man, you can tell me.
Bobby: Shut up.
Pip: Wait, what?
Nathan: Dude, you look like a chick. If you used to be a man, you can tell me.
Funk-o-potimus: Nice.
Nathan: Dude, you look like a chick. If you used to be a man, you can tell me.

Ken is our favorite idiot.

Ken: hot
Ken: i see someone online, i got to IM them
Ken: that person, was me
Ken: i am the best ever
Thomas: lmao
Thomas: so fucking
Thomas: good
Thomas: how the fuck?!?!?
Ken: my mind has felt like jelly all day
Thomas: so.... how IS ken doing these days?
Ken: lol
Thomas: I'm still laughing
Thomas: that's priceless
Ken: i really don't know how i did that
Ken: so
Ken: what you been up to today?
Thomas: umm... not a whole lot
Thomas: man... you realize now, yer gonna have to be blog'd.....
Thomas: there's no avoiding it
Ken: unless i kill you
Ken: :)